Saturday, December 31, 2011

What's wrong with my memory?

by james_gordon_los_angeles
Question by : What's wrong with my memory?
I get up in the morning and don't remember the day before. I remember what day it is most of the time, and what my first 1 or 2 classes are that day since I check and make sure I'm ready for those classes before I go to bed but other than that I can barely remember. I watch a lot of TV shows but I don't know the names of most of the characters, even after watching them for many seasons. It took me 4 seasons to remember the

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Have you ever bought anything from an infomercial commercial or "As Seen On TV" product?

by james_gordon_los_angeles
Question by : Have you ever bought anything from an infomercial commercial or "As Seen On TV" product?
I have a list

1. Ab Roller-use it as a towel hanger now

2. A pink stain remover that you mix with hot water, I bought it get the ink stain from my fav. shorts, product didn't work.

3. This arch thing for your shoes so your legs and feet won't hurt. Made my feet hurt instead.

3. A chopper for the vegetales. Another waste of my money-took too much time, better t

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Locked in garage.?

Question by Acsis: Locked in garage.?
My sister came back from college and my parents greeted her and were glad to see her etc. etc.

Anyway as soon as my parents left for work, I headed to the garage ( which is kind of like my play room.) It has a computer (the one I'm using right now) a tv, exercise equipment and some tools. Anyway my sister followed me and watched tv then told me to take her Paris-Hilton-like dog out for a leak. When I responded with it was her responsibility it turned in

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Q&A: Has anyone tried the "Red Exercise Chair" as seen on TV. It's suppose to trim inches off the waistline.

Question by Beach Lover: Has anyone tried the "Red Exercise Chair" as seen on TV. It's suppose to trim inches off the waistline.
They offer 3 kinds. It's on RED.COM.

Best answer:
Answer by Stevenwicked. i wanna try.

Give your answer to this question below!

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Locked in garage.?

Question by Acsis: Locked in garage.?
My sister came back from college and my parents greeted her and were glad to see her etc. etc.

Anyway as soon as my parents left for work, I headed to the garage ( which is kind of like my play room.) It has a computer (the one I'm using right now) a tv, exercise equipment and some tools. Anyway my sister followed me and watched tv then told me to take her Paris-Hilton-like dog out for a leak. When I responded with it was her responsibility it turned in

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Do Ab Workout Machines Really Work?

Question by dark dragon: Do Ab Workout Machines Really Work?
Someone told me that ab machines don't work, it is true? If it's not, do ab machines really help improve flexibility and help burn stomach fat? Also if you have any tips on how to get fit fast, please share them.
Information from personal experience or that of someone you know please.

Best answer:
Answer by lokigo to

and find free exercises.

The ab machines are a waste of money

and so is that acai berry crap.

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Lastest Exercise Abs Equipment News

June to February - My journey to the Canadian Indoor Rowing Championships

Image by ckaiserca
Dear Family and Friends,

Many of you may be aware, and just as many of you may not be aware, that I have suffered from bouts of major depression as well as crippling migraine attacks for many many years.

I have been on and off just about every migraine treatment out there, and I have been on what seems like dozens of different anti-depressants. Not much seemed to help. In fact, I even found mysel

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Whats a great home workout system or machine?

Question by Jeff: Whats a great home workout system or machine?
im only 16 but i think it would be better to just workout at home. For now i have a iron gym the pull up bar thingy that hangs on your door frame and i do other ghetto workouts with 50 lb rice bags and running outside and sprints. But i want some home workout thing that really works.

umm the only thing ive seen recently on Tv and up to date methods and machines is that px 90 or something like that the tower 200 by body by jake

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Do you know anyone who has bought a piece of exercise equipment from a TV commercial?

Question by ☮ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ☮: Do you know anyone who has bought a piece of exercise equipment from a TV commercial?
I find it funny previous surveys shows marketing wizards target the "Late Night Crowd" who by & large are overweight to flood the TV with exercise infomercials.

Would you rather see old re-runs or look at the hot chicks trying to sell some junk to the "Not so trim crowd" on late night TV?

Best answer:
Answer by Bella-Elre-runs for me.

Know better? Leave your own

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Does anybody can advise me a program that REALLY work for abs?

Question by Richard: Does anybody can advise me a program that REALLY work for abs?
I tried everything! Every kind of exercises, every kind of machines in gym, products bought on the internet as seen on tv....HELP! I want my 6 pack back!!!

Best answer:
Answer by K.C.You haven't tried it long enough then and most likely not in combination with a PROPER diet.

Add torso abductions as well as crunches and sit-ups to develop the muscle for a six pack. Its not going to happen overnight. Dep

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lastest Ab Workout Machines News

Exercise calisthenics #2

Image by Ed Yourdon
Note: this photo was It was published in an undated (Jan 2010) Squidoo blog titled "Fastest Way to Lose Weight." And it was published as an illustration in an undated (Jan 2010) Squidoo blog titled "Free Printable Exercise Log - Get in Shape for 2010!" It was also published in a Mar 28, 2010 Health Knowledge blog and an Apr 24, 2010 Shakeway blog, with the same title as the caption that I used on this Flickr page. It was also p

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Q&A: My tv is fading in and out of color, whats going on?

Question by Jc: My tv is fading in and out of color, whats going on?
I had a TV for about 6 years and one day i would turn it off then turn it on and it would start up and before the screen would show up it would shut off. And if i left it on it would generally be fine until i turn it off then it would have a hard time turning on. I tried different outlets in different rooms but nothing. One day i was driving along and i saw a older tv, (older as in its big with mounted speakers on the side a

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Q&A: what is this exercise equipment seen on tv?

Question by Paige: what is this exercise equipment seen on tv?
I saw it on tv i dont know how long ago all i remember is that during the commercial they asked models how they liked it and they models said it made them toned not bulky if you can tell me what exercise thing they were talking about

Best answer:
Answer by Videogamesareamazingshake weight XDD

Give your answer to this question below!

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

What "as seen on tv" work out dvds/equipment really work?

by Jef Harris
Question by ericka c: What "as seen on tv" work out dvds/equipment really work?

Best answer:
Answer by pennyspetpantryI've used the Firm and Core Rythyms, and they both worked awesome for me. I like a variety so I switch back and forth. I've tried P90X, but you've already got to be in pretty good shape for that one, but it works too. Personally, I'd go with the first two.

Add your own answer in the comments!

As Seen On TV Exercise...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Q&A: How many abdominal exercise machines will need to be invented before they finally get one that will work?

Question by ♥Spiders Squirting Sweetheart♥: How many abdominal exercise machines will need to be invented before they finally get one that will work?

Best answer:
Answer by pcgirl_114481248978954823563576235732650585 x 7

What do you think? Answer below!

As Seen On TV Exercise...